Welcome to Ardsley Manor - the money pit we now call home. You're invited to come along as we restore, repair and repaint; but life can get crazy over here - please sit out this ride if you have a heart condition. Also I should mention all blog entries come with a whopping side of Irony and Sarcasm. Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A blog that Kaitlin will never read.
As you may know 1 week ago was my 29th birthday... and on Sunday we went to my parent's house to celebrate. My 17 year old sister said something... For the life of me I can't remember what (no cracks about being old) and I said "You didn't know that? I write about it all the time on my blog. You should check it out."
Her response: "I hate blogs. Actually I just hate that word. Blog. Yuck. So I refuse to read them."
Keep in mind this is MY BIRTHDAY dinner. What a great way to celebrate! She tells me she won't read about all my hard work on my house blog because she does not like the word blog. What a nice gesture! So sweet!
So I say, "Whatevs. Don't get all emo on me. I like to blog, yo."
You should have heard the laughter. I mean gut wretching laughter.
Dave is sitting there saying, "What's emo?" My mom pokes her head out of the kitchen and says "What's going on?" Kaitlin yells, "Kristen is trying to be cool!"
So now we know that Kaitlin doesn't read this and we can anything we want about her! Ha! That's the end of my story.
Oh and that is also the story of how Dave learned the definition of emo. (Which if you don't know, means "emotional" and is one step away from "goth." Surprised I knew that one, huh? :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Better late than never...

And this is my stove that I cook on every night.
I actually know it's an ad for our oven because our oven actually says Americana on the front. But isn't that funny? Dave did not find the humor in it. He thought it was incredibly depressing that we had such old appliances. I thought it was quite telling of what 1970 was like, when the previous owner had decorated. Obviously Mrs. Hackel opted for the brown model... not the turquoise. Look how happy that wife is. Amazing. I definitely don't look like that when I am stirring up a big pot of chilli...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A green thumb turned black...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Back to work
I was not inclined to "attack" it full force like I did the other lovely wallpapered rooms, specially because it's only a hall, and you don't spend much time in it. So whenever we would have a few minutes we would take a stab at peeling some off. It started to look pretty ratty, wallpaper hanging in shreds all over the place. Finally Dave said this weekend, "I can't take it anymore - we'v got to just get rid of it." So we mustered up some courage and dove right back in the home improvement pool. We did finally get all of the paper off and now we're fixing the holes, sanding and painting it. If you don't remember - it was a lovely textured wallpaper that looked like this:

Now it looks like this:

I miss the holidays already.

Well I guess the winter hibernation is over. We had a blissful 3 weeks where we did NOTHING on the house. Just went to Christmas parties, saw family, watched lots of movies on TV and ate like the world was ending tomorrow. Dave made us get back to work on Sunday this past weekend. I was totally against it - claiming a bit of seasonal depression and the fact that it was just "too cold to work." All I want to do now is watch HD stuff on our brand new TV!!