Welcome to Ardsley Manor - the money pit we now call home. You're invited to come along as we restore, repair and repaint; but life can get crazy over here - please sit out this ride if you have a heart condition. Also I should mention all blog entries come with a whopping side of Irony and Sarcasm. Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Next Showing 4:25

It's all fun and games until someone pukes up a balloon string.

Monday, July 28, 2008
Shopping with your husband is dangerous.
My downfall? I asked Dave, "Want to come with me?"
(Strike 1)
We decided to grab a bite, then head onto the stores. I'm envisioning us antiquing... Dave I guess had other plans. As we are driving towards the shopping mecca of town, he says to me, "Want to get Chick-Fil-A?" Sure. "Yeah," he proceeds, "It's right across from Best Buy. I can get my Blue Ray player while we're over there."
I know what you're thinking. But truth be told, we were planning on getting the Blue Ray, HD, DVD Player at some point anyway. Dave got some money and a Best Buy gift card for his birthday last week. So it was not a shock... I just didn't take into account how EXPENSIVE this Saturday was going to be. But I am getting ahead of myself....
We ate then hopped across the street to the store, and went looking for a PS3. Dave had planned on getting the PlayStation 3 because as every male will tell you "It's the cheapest HD DVD player out there." But alas - they were none to be found. Much like the sales people...
After almost tackling one as he came around the corner, we found out that they had stopped making the PS3. The conversation then went something like this:
Sales Person: They discontinued that model.
Me: Can we call another Best Buy and see if they have any left?
SP: They don't have any.
Me: No other stores in Jacksonville?
SP: Nope.
Me: You're telling me that no one has a box hiding in the back of a warehouse somewhere? Everyone in Northeast Florida is OUT?
SP: Yup.
Me: Huh.
SP: BUT You're in luck!!!! We still have the more expensive version available. Why here it is right here!
Me: How much?
SP: Only 100 bucks more than the one you wanted... oh and you have to pay 25 bucks for the remote. It's the cheapest player out there so you might as well get it.
Me: Oh really? How come I see Blue Ray players over there, cheaper, and they come with the remote, free of charge?
SP: Uhh... I have to help this customer over here... uhhh...
Dave was completely mortified, but we ended up getting a non-game-DVD-player for 400 bucks, like we planned on. What I didn't plan on was the $100 cable that you apparently need to hook it up to the TV.
(So much for saving 25 bucks on a remote.)
Then as we are walking out, Dave says "You know... we need HD DVDs to play on this. Let's get 1......... or 2." Ok sure. It's your birthday! Why not? How much do these cost?
(Strike 2)
$30 for a freakin DVD!!!!! That's it - get us out of this store before we have to take out a second mortgage on the house!!!!
We then proceeded to stop at the Antique mall (Finally!) and I got to do my intended shopping for a chandelier. But every one that we looked at I heard "It's up to you babe. You know I'm no good with this stuff."
(Strike 3. You're out.)
I gave up and took my very expensive cable and my bored husband back home.
Damn. I really am getting tired of looking at a lightbulb over my dining room table.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Look What I Did! Contest: Wallpaper House of Horrors
Looking back on all the renovations we've done on this house in 1 year... I have to say it's hard to pick just one! (Who could forget the toilet we installed ourselves, only to realize that it was crooked? Always a good party story.) But I think by far the most dramatic change to the house, and the one that gives us the most pride, is all the effort we took in stripping the wallpaper off of the whoooole house. That's right. Almost 85% of the house was wallpapered - even the CEILING in some places.
We tested out the "paint over it" theory and I have to admit... I'm not a fan. While it does provide a quick fix to usually an awful situation... To a perfectionist like myself I was not completely satisfied because you can still see some of the seams. It's just inevitable.
So we decided to strip. And strip. And strip. But it was worth it when the neighbors came over and said "Wow! How did you ever get that hideous paper off??" Here are a few before and after photos...Enjoy! And P.S...if you're thinking of stripping wallpaper anytime soon... please do not call me. I will be washing my hair that day.
The kitchen. When was this ever in style?
We have two bathrooms... Both had very hippie looking flowered paper... and yes, both went up onto the ceiling. Interesting design theory!
The Master Bedroom could have been a nursery! It was papered with pink and blue stripes. This was by far the hardest to get off because I am assuming it was the "newest." It looked like it had been applied in the 1980's. We eventually reclaimed the walls... and they turned out pretty well.

The dining room had an added bonus!! When we stripped this wallpaper we suddenly smelled smoke - all the time. Turns out the previous owners must have smoked a pack of cigs after dinner, and therefore it coated the walls underneath. You can see in one of these pictures how brown the wall is. I had to scrub the living daylights out of it before we primed with 2 coats of oil based Kilz!! Yuck!

Ahh and finally but definitely not least... Dave's favorite. The 3D hallway paper. This wallpaper was so old it basically crumbled into a big gooey mess when we tried to strip it. Fun times.

“This post was written for Houseblogs.net as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by True Value.”
Hell Lowe...(s)

Friday, July 18, 2008
Procrastination is the name of the game.
But sometimes I feel like I deserve to be lazy. I work full time, 30 miles from home, AND take care of all the cooking and cleaning in the house, DAMNNIT! I work very hard at keeping everyone on track at work (and at home) So why do I feel so guilty?
Maybe it's because I've been blogging about this bathroom for months. It was supposed to be our summer project.
Last night while lying on the couch... I realized that I don't think Dave or I really want to get started on another project. We have become master procrastinators, doing anything and everything to avoid the task at hand. This week we were planning on at least starting to strip the walls... But we never did. Instead, I did every available bit o laundry in the house, gave the cat a bath, went to the dentist... I even left the state and flew to NY. Dave is no better. He went out with his friends, fixed a fan that hasn't worked in 2 years, built Arnold a scratching post, and started working out again.
So I guess you could say procrastination is making us be more "productive"... but not for the right reasons.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
To strip.... or Not to strip. That is the question.

Monday, July 14, 2008
What a weekend.
I had a whirlwind of a weekend - Kara and I flew up to NYC for my cousin Jen's bachelorette party. It was ALOT of fun... we ended up going to the Bon Jovi concert in Central Park, and then barhopping down the street afterward. We only got about 3 hours of sleep and then it was back on the plane and our fun trip was over faster than you can say "drunken debauchery."

But today while I am counting down the minutes down until quittin time, I stumbled upon Houseblogs.net. A fantastic site devoted to people who blog about home renovation. Most are young couples who have bought old houses because they love them (and maybe some were a little naive, like us?) and are keeping the world abreast of the progress. Reading about all these couples and their endless energy made me tired... and a little sad. I think I miss doing projects! It feels funny to say that. Now don't get me wrong - I do NOT miss staying up to midnight trying to get the last little bit o grout all wiped off of the tiles... but I do miss getting involved in something, researching what works for our house, and then when it's all done and installed sitting back and looking at how great it looks! Whatever it may be!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Monday, July 7, 2008
Sam and Mr. Clark
So if you have a problem with either your yard, or your bugs.... I can say to you, "I've got a guy." (Cool huh?)
We came across the yard guy totally by accident. I had been begging Dave for months to PLEASE let me get some estimates on getting some help with the front yard. He denied me time and time again. But then one day we were having dinner at Players Grill and this nice man leaned over and said, "Excuse me but I couldn't help hear you say you have a dollarweed problem.... You can't kill that in the summer. You can only kill it in the winter." Turns out - Sam runs his own yard business, and we have 2 friends in common! Dave thought it was a sign. So he relented and Sam cleaned up our front yard just in time for the holiday. Whew!

And I've got a lead on a good house painter.... but we might have to wait until the fall for that one...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Another caper...
"Did you have a party and didn't tell me?"
After addressing Dave's fear of being left out, I discovered that he was talking about a stash of solo cups he found in the back right corner of the yard, behind some bushes. Odd.
There are several possible answers to this latest caper:
1.) Some litterbug threw them over the fence into our yard.
B.) Some teenage kids were drinking in our backyard while we were drinking in the Caribbean.
or 3.) There's a bum living in our backyard while we are at work.
The only reason I mention #3 is because this actually happened to a woman one street over. She is old and feeble and didn't get out much, and apparently some homeless man set up shop in her backyard behind a bush and she never knew!! It went on for several months. They finally caught the guy because he was stealing some other neighbor's newspaper and taking it back to his home (behind the bush).
What if he's returned? Maybe he went riding his bike through the hood (Oh yeah! He has a BIKE. This guy is the richest bum I've ever seen.) and took one look at our house, with the peeling paint, and the overgrown bushes and said, "THAT'S IT! It's perfect! I think I'll move in tomorrow."
So it could be any of those options...
Or maybe it's the note bandit? He's been awfully quiet... maybe he switched from notes to solo cups???
I need a nanny cam for the backyard... Arnold is not paying enough attention to what's going on while we are at work. All he does is nap. Damn spoiled cat.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
So we have the pest company coming Thursday to give us an estimate. It's a good thing I already had an appt with them... I had them coming to spray for the usual household annoyance - roach, ant, fly, water bug, etc. - but now they are also going to take a look at the shed and tell us what they think.
When we bought the house in August we had a clean WDO. And that new wooden shed wasn't built until March of this year. So they couldn't have been here long. We didn't see any termites until about 2 weeks ago. I think it's because of all the rain. My poor shed! Being eaten alive!
Vacation Blues.

It was a vacation in every sense of the word. We literally did nothing. The agenda every day went something like this:
Before 10am: Wake up, walk 20 feet to restaurant for breakfast.
11am: Put on bathing suit.
11:08 Find a beach chair with a good view.
1:30pm: Walk to the bar. Get sandwich and first drink of the day.
2:35pm: Get a new drink.
3:07pm: Get a new drink.
3:28pm: Get a new drink.
3:53pm: Get a new drink.
4:15...... Feeling sleepy and sunburned. Walk back to room for a nap.
Sometime before 9pm: Wake up and have dinner.

I think it's the little things that really make it a fantastic trip. Someone else cooks dinner every night... You don't have to make your bed or clean your room because you've got a maid... You wake up to the sound of the water crashing on the beach. Ahhh...
Check out our pictures... I think we got a few good ones.