Friday, March 19, 2010

The Maine Attraction

(Three posts in one day! Man, are you lucky!)

Last year we took our summer vacation/wedding anniversary trip to Maine.

Now don't get me wrong, you know I love a good beach vacation where the only thing on the agenda is 1. Get a fruity drink and 2. Get another fruity drink. But in an effort to give the old wallet a break (those fruity drinks are EX-PEEEN-SIVE yo!) we decided to look for a vacation on U.S. soil. The criteria was simple - someplace we've never been, and someplace where we can relax. That's where our good friend Batman comes in. (His name is actually Dan, but at a party once he was labeled Batman, and well, wouldn't you hang onto that baby too?)

Batman offered up his mom's cabin on Penobscot Bay (near Bucksport) in Maine - at a VERY discount price. The only catch was we would have to stay the first week of the season and "open up" the cabin. Uhh Yes please! We also realized this fit all of our criteria and more:

We have never been to Maine........ check!

It's very relaxing........... check!

AND....... it was our 5th anniversary which is the wood anniversary. Well, we were going TO the woods.... Does that count? I think so.

So off we went. We spent a week there and it was everything I thought Maine would be and more. Just gorgeous scenery (minus the black flies - yuck!) and all the lobster you can eat. I felt so relaxed I think I cried a little on the flight home. I don't remember. I blocked it out. Anyway the little towns and house styles up there had us pining away for a little cabin somewhere. Either that.... or maybe we could add a front porch to our little brick ranch house? Hmmm... it definitely got our wheels and had me craving some rustic Americana accents in our own humble abode..

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