Welcome to Ardsley Manor - the money pit we now call home. You're invited to come along as we restore, repair and repaint; but life can get crazy over here - please sit out this ride if you have a heart condition. Also I should mention all blog entries come with a whopping side of Irony and Sarcasm. Enjoy!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Eat your veggies!!!
It started with a few potted herbs that my Aunt Marie gave me for Christmas. They were doing very well and we were reaping the benefits on a weekly basis (AKA cooking with them) Then my dad gave us a few small vegetable seedlings from his garden and it sort of snowballed from there. All we had to buy was 2 bags of organic soil for vegetables; we used these flower pots I've had laying around the yard for a year; and VOILA! Instant garden!
Here's what we've got cookin (pun intended):
Bell Peppers
And a Blackberry plant! (ok, we did buy this one but we couldn't resist! we eat them by the bushel.)
YUM! When's dinner?
The hits just keep on coming...
True to their history, they have picked a STELLAR repair man to come fix our heater. As you may remember we had an appointment for 8:00 this morning. (If you don't, that's ok. Just scroll down and take a look at the post and try to contain your laughter.) I went off to work, Dave was going to wait for the guy and go in late to work. About 9:30 I get a call from Dave. The repairman called at 8:15 and said we were "next on the list." (Hmmm... Didn't this guy say we were going to be the first appt of the day? And he might even be earlier than 8am???)
Dave told him to not bother, we'd reschedule. He then of course promptly called the Queen of Sarcasm so I could deal with this genius.
For your pleasure.... Phone conversation #2 with this guy:
Shady Repairman Guy: Hello?
Me: Hi. It's Kristen Wax. I guess I have to reschedule because you missed my appointment this morning.
SRG: Hold on, hold on. *Sounds of him walking somewhere -like down a tunnel. What the ??*
SRG: Ok. What's your name again?
Mind you it's only 9:30, and our appointment was for 8:00. How many appointments could he have missed THIS MORNING that he can't remember my name?? But I digress..
Me: Wax.
SRG: Oh yeah. I remember. Strange name. Ok. (Shuffle) Oh. (Shuffle shuffle) OH! I don't have your paperwork! OH! I guess I forgot it! Geez! Oh man!
Me: Ok, well, do you want me to call you when you're at the office, with the paperwork?
SRG: Oh I KNOW what happened! Your appointment was for NEXT Friday. That's why I don't have your paperwork. YOU got your dates mixed up.
Me: Uhh... No I didn't.
SRG: Yeah. I was talking about NEXT Friday.
Me: Then why did you call my husband at 8:15 today to say you were running late?
Me: (Very sarcastically) You were scheduled for today at 8am. Remember I called you on Tuesday of this week and I said either THIS Thursday or Friday? And YOU picked this Friday? And YOU told me I would be the FIRST appointment of the day. So how come you called my husband and told him we were NEXT on the list? Then that means I'm NOT first on your list. You lied to me.
SRG: I can be there in 10 minutes.
Me: It's too late. We're at work. Our appointment was at 8 AM.
SRG: Look I'm sorry! OK, so when do you want me out there?
Me: (in the most sarcastic tone ever) As SOON as possible, FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. I don't care if it's 5 am. I want to be first on your list. I live in Jacksonville and work in St. Augustine. I can't come home in the middle of the day.
SRG: How about Monday at 8 AM?
Me: Fine.
SRG: Ok. Goodbye -
Me: WAIT! Don't you even want to know what's wrong with it???
SRG: I know what's wrong. It's not working.
So, I guess I am going shopping for an electric blanket this weekend because my heater is obviously never going to get fixed.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
My mind is in the crapper.
What a good coat of white paint will do for the senses! Ahh! So much easier on the eyes than that crazy Garden of Eden wallpaper. So I am still in my paint color hell, but I've also expanded the search to shower curtain hell. I've decided I hate that pink shower curtain. Bummer because I really did LOVE it almost 2 years ago when we moved in. Oh well! At least it was only $11 on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond. I'm thinking the new shower curtain should be something very grown up - maybe like a luxury hotel? Hmm....
Hot under the collar.
I know what you're thinking. Why WHY! would you do that after it took you 4 months to get them to fix the stove??? Yup. I know. I know. But an epic battle takes time, people! With lots of shocking plot twists no less! (Plus we still have 6 months left on this baby and I am all about getting my money's worth.)
The heater says it's on - but I'm not so sure since every fiber of my being is frozen to the core. Oh yeah, and because the vents are blowing cold air. That too.
So. I called Saturday went through the ridiculous automated questionnaire and logged my problem in the system. Then a *qualified* technician (read=cheapest they can find) is supposed to call you back and make an appointment. So of course, this guy called the house phone twice yesterday - even though I gave them my work phone number. AND might I add, this guy left the wrong call back number on my machine. I had to look him up in the phonebook to realize that he mixed up his own phone number. (Oh yeah. This guy is a pro.)
So today I called him at 9 AM. The conversation was too bizarre not to share:
Strange Mr. Fix It Guy: Hello?
Me: Hi, my name is Kristen Wax, I'm calling you back, you left a message on my machine yesterday, something is wrong with my heater....
Me: Uhh Yeah, Hi. I'm calling you back, you left me a message yesterday.....
Me: *glancing around my empty, hence very quiet, office* Excuse me?
SMFIG: Oh ok now I can hear you. Oh yeah. What's your name again?
Me: Kristen Wax.
SMFIG: Ok well I can't come today, I'm already out for the day.
(**NOTE - it's 9:03 am - does he mean he's gone for the day? or he's full for the day? I decide I don't care and push onward.)
Me: No that's fine - I'm actually at work and I'll be here all day so I'll need to make an appointment with you.
SMFIG: Ok, I'll be there tomorrow.
Me: Ok, what time?
SMFIG: I'll call you.
Me: No no no. I work - ALL DAY - I'll need a time when you are coming out so I make sure to be there.
SMFIG: Can't you just leave work?
Me: Uh NO I can't just leave at a moment's notice. I work 45 minutes from home. I need an appointment. Do you have something first thing in the morning? That's best for me.
SMFIG: How about Friday morning? First thing.
Me: Ok.
Me: Hello?
SMFIG: Yeah.
Me: Well? What time is "first thing?"
SMFIG: I'll be there at 8:00. Maybe earlier. I'll call you.
I thanked him (why, I don't know) hung up, and then realized he didn't ask for directions, what was wrong with the heater, or even get a cell phone number for me.
Oh yeah. This should be good.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Painter's block.
Anyway that's where I'm at. Block-ville. I'm hoping to catch the bus to Inspiration-ville soon.
In the meantime I cleaned out my closet and made a huge bag for Goodwill. Amazing I have so many clothes - and STILL choose to wear a t shirt and jeans whenever possible. I would have worn it to my wedding if they let me.