Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I hate this blog.

What! I DO! I swear.

Ok............. I don't really hate it. I just hate that's its an unfinished project STARING ME IN THE VIRTUAL FACE. I have tons of photos and projects waiting to be blogged about, I just never seem to find the time to sit down and write. But I am feeling that October will be different. For one - Dave and I are giving our livers a break from alcohol. I know, I KNOW - just calm down everyone... I said a "break." We're on a break. Just like Ross and Rachel. You know we'll eventually get back together again. ;)

So with that break, and with the fact that the weather has turned from oppressively hot to surprisingly pleasant, I am hoping we can spur this into a whirlwind month of home improvement frenzy. It also helps that my in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving. What is it about being suddenly faced with the prospect of outside people sleeping within your house that makes you want to re-paint the walls, get new furniture, wash wood floors on your hands and knees, re-insulate the roof, run white vinegar through your coffee pot and then wash it out 10 times... No? Anyone? Is it just me?
Ah. Oh well.