Monday, July 7, 2008

Sam and Mr. Clark

We've now got a "yard guy" and a "bug guy" on retainer.
So if you have a problem with either your yard, or your bugs.... I can say to you, "I've got a guy." (Cool huh?)

We came across the yard guy totally by accident. I had been begging Dave for months to PLEASE let me get some estimates on getting some help with the front yard. He denied me time and time again. But then one day we were having dinner at Players Grill and this nice man leaned over and said, "Excuse me but I couldn't help hear you say you have a dollarweed problem.... You can't kill that in the summer. You can only kill it in the winter." Turns out - Sam runs his own yard business, and we have 2 friends in common! Dave thought it was a sign. So he relented and Sam cleaned up our front yard just in time for the holiday. Whew!
The bug guy was a little harder to come by... I researched all the prices of the major companies in town. They were all pretty similar so I thought I'd just pick at random... but at the very last minute I decided to call a small local pest company because it was literally around the corner from us. I ended up liking the receptionist from Clark Pest Control so much... I went with them! What really sealed the deal though was that Mr. Clark himself came out to do the inspection. (Nice!) And in talking to him, he told me he actually sprayed a few of our neighbors houses so I felt like I was in good company.

And I've got a lead on a good house painter.... but we might have to wait until the fall for that one...


Kevin said...

What was the bug diagnosis?? Can he kill the termites?? And, does your yard guy travel???

Vicki said...

does the bug guy come to boston?

Kristen and Dave said...

We've got mud burrowing termites and they like the shed because it is in a low spot in the yard so when it rains it provides lots of good smelling "dinner." (Figures.) They will dig a trench and put some chemicals in there to keep them away... and also spray the wood. It will only cost about 75 bucks because the shed is so small. Thank God for that! Now just keep your fingers crossed that we don't have any under the house!